About the Artist

I have always preferred the imaginary realm, to the harsh realities of life. When I was little, my parents called it “Molly World,” because that’s where I usually was. I am embracing my inner child by working to bring the ideas and dreams that bring me peace and happiness, into our reality. I even made a series of portal paintings so you can step into my imagination when you look through them. I hope that these pieces of my mind bring those same feelings to those who look upon them.

Some of my work, as whimsical as it may be, has some darkness residing in it. It would not be a true depiction of my mind if some hints of depression and anxiety did not creep in. There is always a balance to life. You cannot enjoy the light without having lived through the dark. This concept plays around in most of my pieces.

The urge to create has been the fuel propelling me through life for as long as I can remember. My first memory of art, I was painting a fairy at a pottery painting place with my mom. I went to an art high school and learned as many things as I could while I was there. I won 9 scholastic Gold keys during my time there, as well as Rhode Island School of Design’s annual art award in 2015 and my high school’s Artistic Excellence award the same year. I was accepted into my dream college, the Savannah College of Art and Design, but was not able to afford to go.

Since high school, I have experimented and taught myself everything my inspiration guided me to. All the while, I have worked in retail, cake decorating, and even spent the last 5 years of my life as a truck driver. I have worked hard and paid my dues so that I could give myself a real chance to do what I was meant to do: create. After traveling through the beautiful landscapes of America, but being held back artistically for so long, I am brimming with muse. Finally, I am taking the leap as a full time artist and business owner. Trucking was not easy, but it gave me a healthy dose of gratitude, and I am so incredibly grateful for this opportunity.

Welcome to Molly World. Thank you so much for being here. I really hope you find something that brings you as much happiness as creating it brought me.

-Molly Jean

Thank You to:

My mom for encouraging me, showing me how to be an entrepreneur and how to able to support yourself, as well as always being up for doing artsy things with me.

Mr. Hester, my favorite teacher and mentor. Your lessons and guidance, as well as your encouragement will always stay with me,

My Dad- Jerry & Stepmom- Judy. Brian&Jess. Ashley- my big sister, who dubbed me ‘Art Queen’. My little siblings- Robby, Savannah, and Jack. Anthony. My Nanny- Norma & Grandfather Jerry Sr., Grandma Dar & Grandpa Bob. Nana, and Betsy. My whole family for always believing in me, long before I believed in myself.

Ben, the love of my life, for being my rock, always supporting me, believing in my dream and in my ability to achieve it. For dropping our trucking job to give me a chance to make this happen. For being the best partner in life I could ever ask for. For everything, always.